
The Liver is Stable!

Tomorrow will mark a year since Kenan had half of her liver removed.  At that time we thought it would be a one and done procedure and we would never have to hear the dreaded words ocular melanoma again.  Here we are a year later and still fighting, but stronger than ever.  We are more knowledgeable about this cancer, we have the right doctors behind us, and we have the faith we need to beat this thing.

We met with Dr. Sato and the Team on March 26th to go over the scans. 

Good news first, Kenan's liver has been STABILIZED!!  That is the goal of the Immuno-embolism treatment.  One of the spots cannot be seen on the scans anymore and the others are shrinking!!  We are very happy with this news.  They want to do 2 more rounds of immuno just to make sure everything stays stable so we had one round done on March 27th and we will have the next on April 30th.

The not so good news is that they found a new spot just below her sternum which we can feel below the skin and one on her lung.  They are not worried much with the spots outside of her liver, which helps us have a peace of mind. 

The team is debating a couple different options for the next round of treatment.  They mentioned a procedure called cryo-ablation which will freeze the spot and kill it at the same time.  Another treatment option is directed radition treatment to zap it.  Right now they are holding off on treating anything other than the liver.  We are waiting for the final call from Dr. Sato before getting tickets up to Philly to see how long she will have to stay up there.

We are heading to Banner Elk for the Easter Weekend for a vacation that isn't to Philly.  We are looking forward to a nice break.  HAPPY EASTER!

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh, that is one of my favorite pictures. A Carolina girl from way back!!
    Love you both.
